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Writer's pictureSusi Jones

Interim Newsletter February 1st 2023

This is a short and very personal update, I rarely speak of my personal life, but I felt the need to explain my absence.

If this is your first newsletter, welcome and thank you for joining me on this amazing journey. 2022 Newsletters are all in the blog on my website and Newsletter 1:2023 will be with you before February is out.

January brought great promise for this year as 2022 had been an uphill climb in terms of mobility and that has now been corrected by an orthopaedic surgeon. Recovery is going very well as my body manages the changes and the necessary drugs which it argues with greatly!

January also brought a surprise visitor: my daughter arrived to look after me from the middle east - what a superb bonding that was, as we created, cooked and laughed our way through the week. So rarely do we get time on our own - I was a single mum and our relationship is amazing probably because of the challenges we faced - together.

Isis Wisdom: Unveiling the Magic of You sold really well in December - but took a downward turn this month - I am getting some wonderful feedback which is encouraging and I look forward to people reviewing the work on Amazon - it all helps! I am truly grateful to all who purchased the books and helped me promote it. There will be many opportunities in 2023 where I will promote the books and teach its wisdom - for this I am truly honoured and grateful.

So why an Interim Newsletter?

I have great plans to streamline all that I offer for free and paid in 2023 and imagined that I would have the ‘energy’ to put them in place ready for February.

Healing takes a great deal of energy and consequently I have made no great inroads. It is my hope that February will afford me the energy to execute my plan ready for launch in March. I also made the decision to delay our wonderful Circle of Light until March - but if healing affords an opportunity before I will let you know. I have started Book 2....I had no idea what shape it would take by my goodness this feels groundbreaking.

Book 1 Unveiling the Magic of You is foundational and available now

Book 2: Medicine: Unleash your innate power to heal December 2023 I am truly excited by this book

Book 3: Warrior of Light will bring it all together and equip you with practitioner skills this world needs.

December 2024

For those of you on social media platforms - thank you for your encouragement and support as I often use my posts to ‘test the water’ on ideas and thoughts that scurry through my mind.

One particular post shines through when I asked for feedback on the word Isis….I had no idea that the river Thames (our river through the capital city of London) is called The Isis as it runs through Oxford….

Goddess Isis was worshipped for thousands of years and yet her wonderful gifts of healing (magic/miracle) have not hit the headlines like ISIS the terrorist organisation did and therefore unless you are an Egyptologist or into mythology you might not have heard of her.

To be truthful - I am not into mythology or Egyptology so I seem like an unlikely person to be sharing the wisdom of Isis. It is probably because of my pragmatism, scientific background and spiritual life experience that I was chosen. I so enjoy working with her and learning from her. And yes - she has been supporting my healing journey - for which I am very grateful.

I will write again as soon as I am ready to launch my new channel - “Follow the white rabbit”... a quote from The Matrix borrowed from Alice in Wonderland. I wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes? This will be a lively, eclectic, creative channel which I hope will give you a deeper insight into living a spiritual and grounded life somewhere between Earth & Home.

Until Newsletter 1:2023

Take care, keep well, reach out if you need me to add you or another to my prayer list - or anything else.

Shine Bright and Thank you for joining me on this journey


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