October 2022
Reflection on September
September is my favourite month of the year - it reminds me of putting on my long socks and winter uniform, collecting cobwebs from the privet hedges that lined our streets. Of the welcoming smell of soups and stews and the darker evenings lost before the open fire. There is something warming about the crisper air and misty mornings.
Powerful reminiscence of positive imagery alights the senses and brings a wave of gratitude and as we watch the leaves beginning to fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, we know that this is the time to reflect upon the fruits of our labours this year and to use this time to draw energy from our Earth to prepare of for the spring. Life really is about balance and if we use the seasons as a metaphor for life, we will not go wrong.
In the UK our Queen died, it wasn't unexpected and she lived a long and privileged life…not one I have any envy for. Grief always brings our emotions to the surface and if we don't truly process our loss with each passing, then it compounds and we lose control.
Whatever your beliefs, it is important to acknowledge all the feelings you experience and sit with them until you have extracted the learning, hold an imaginary conversation with the deceased and say all those things that you couldn't say before. In the silence of this moment you might hold a sense that they are responding to bring you comfort.
It is very important at every age that you have shared your wishes, making a living will that identifies your wishes for your health and wellbeing in the event of catastrophe and of course thoughts about your estate.
Crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s means having order to your life and this reduces anxiety and saves time. Also taking 100% responsibility for your own health will lead you forwards. I have recently had a hip problem - I sought professional advice (which is in process) and then scoured the web for information where I discovered that Inflammation created much of the issue and if I am to avoid surgery then I need to reduce the inflammation. My research led me to Turmeric, Black Pepper and Boswellia Serrata which is having a huge impact on my health, sleep, mobility and pain management. Find your path that you might achieve health at your optimum level.
My first book Isis Wisdom: Unveiling the Magic of You is in the final stages of editing (9 stages!!) and I am getting good feedback from my testers.
This has been an amazing journey and I am thrilled with my progress. It is my intention that the book will be published on 07.12.2022 which is a special day to me and also an auspicious 7 which in numerology speaks of wisdom, truth and an intellectual approach to life.
There are many new people in my life and I am truly grateful for them. Many are published and aspiring authors and are following their hearts and their purpose to bring great wisdom to our world.
IF you have a book inside you and you want to learn about self publishing - Michael Alperstein will share the lesson he gave me with you all on 13th October @18.00 London: KDP for beginners (KDP is Amazon) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85087654939?pwd=dHFaTGdJT2o2di9CZnR5Mm14b1FRdz09
Meeting ID: 850 8765 4939 Passcode: 434063
This is a FREE session but if you feel able please consider purchasing his book.
Here's the link to his book on Amazon: JoyfulHeart Gratitude Journal: A 60 Day Manifestation Workbook https://amzn.eu/d/cCN49hF
A sneak peak from one of the stages of the book. I always read outloud to edit, so it's not the most professional audio - but I hope you find something powerful here
www.susijones.com - Meditation Waterfall in the footer of each page
We are entering into a time of many festivals, which inspires creativity - Halloween, pumpkins and dressing up, face painting. Maybe preparation for your own Festival of Light? You might create tealight holders out of glass jam jars, decorating the outside with leaves and twigs. And this is a perfect time to start creating gifts for loved ones this Christmas. And of course being Creative with your Financial Resources is good and wise management in these days of uncertainty.
I have had crochet hooks and knitting needles in my hands for almost 60 years and recently found some exciting podcasters sharing their knitting journey. Turning a hobby into a secondary stream of income and teaching me skills I have never used: for example: The Icelandic Cast Off - who would have thought that each country has completely different ways of knitting?? How blessed we are to be multicultural and travel the world through our phones, tablets and computers.
Vegan Borscht: I would not say this is authentic, but is certainly superbly healthy and sublimely colourful. If you haven't got the ingredients - you can swap for other things - except maybe the beetroot - which is the base veg and reason for the colour:
What you need
Heavy bottomed lidded pan
Beetroot - I used a whole bunch
½ cabbage - any colour/type
2 large carrots
I large potato
1 stick celery (optional)
1 onion
Garlic cloves (optional)
Herbs and spices *
Vegetable stock cube
Apple cider vinegar (optional)
Olive oil ...or other oils/fats
* Herbs & spices are personal choice and I suggest you use what you like or what you have in stock
I used a teaspoon of: Paprika, Cumin, Garam Masala, Medium Curry powder, Turmeric and ½ tsp Nutmeg with Black Pepper and Sea Salt and ParsleyMethod
Saute the onions and garlic in oil over a medium heat
Add the sliced/chopped or grated veg
Cook stirring occasionally to bring out the natural sugars
Add the herbs and spices*with salt and pepper and stir into the vegetables to coat
Add the vegetable stock with sufficient water to cover
Bring to the boil and then simmer until all veg cooked
Liquidise to a smooth texture or leave veg chunky
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and stir
Leave to stand for a few minutes before eating
We are entering into a time of many festivals, which inspires creativity - Halloween, pumpkins and dressing up, face painting. Maybe preparation for your own Festival of Light? You might create tealight holders out of glass jam jars, decorating the outside with leaves and twigs. And this is a perfect time to start creating gifts for loved ones this Christmas. And of course being Creative with your Financial Resources is good and wise management in these days of uncertainty.
I have had crochet hooks and knitting needles in my hands for almost 60 years and recently found some exciting podcasters sharing their knitting journey. Turning a hobby into a secondary stream of income and teaching me skills I have never used: for example: The Icelandic Cast Off - who would have thought that each country has completely different ways of knitting?? How blessed we are to be multicultural and travel the world through our phones, tablets and computers.
Circle of Light
We had a very different Circle of Light in September as I shared a tool called Dreamweaving.
Our Circle in October is on the 10th at 18.00 London time. This is a ‘sharing’ month where we will go into rooms and meet with others to gain great wisdom. We conclude with a meditation. Please check your time zone and if you need assistance with that contact me at smile@susijones.com
Five benefits of Gratitude
Gratitude centres you, it grounds and holds you captive in warmth and love
Gratitude focusses you, in the direction of your dreams and health
Gratitude lifts you, out of darker denser energies and brightens your day
Gratitude inspires you, to chart your path in the direction of purpose.
Gratitude heals you, as it guides you away from Fear towards Love
As you have this magical gift at your fingertips - use it to change your life - to rise yourself to new levels of experience. Where do you start? In nature, in your home, in your family and friends, in your community. There are no rules to opening your heart to gratitude.
Date for your October Diary
Circle of Light: 10th October @ 18.00 - 19.00 (doors open at 17.30) London Time
10.00 Pacific,11.00 Mountain time , 12.00 Central 13.00 Eastern, 17.00 UTC, 21.00Dubai
KDP Training: 13th October @ 18.00 - 19.30 London time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85087654939?pwd=dHFaTGdJT2o2di9CZnR5Mm14b1FRdz09
Although I am knee deep in editing and preparing my book, I delight in serving you with my skills: meeting with you for 1:1 hypnosis, spiritual and energy healing, life planning etc. You don't have to be ‘sick’ or ‘unwell’ to call for assistance, many people come to me because they are stuck in a rut. Not quite sure what is wrong or why their lives or businesses are not abundant. Check my website for more details - there is seriously no need to struggle.
I also offer confidential support with finances, through Utility Warehouse if you need a ½ hour review of your bills without any obligation.
I encourage you to subscribe to receive this monthly newsletter and special offers.
And if you would like your power and strength rekindled - get in touch for a free discovery call: smile@susijones.com Welcome20% discount on services for your first session. Contact me through social media or smile@susijones.com
Susi Jones (@isis_wisdom)
